


ელექტრო გიტარის ეფექტი Dunlop EVH90 MXR PHASE 90-RED-EA pedal


ფილიალები: ბათუმი, რუსთაველი


პროდუქტის აღწერა

Player’s Perspective

MXR wrote the book on phasers, and this EVH90 is basically an upgraded version of the classic Phase 90 that can be heard on plenty of recordings. You can get all of the rippling, hypnotic sounds you’d expect from a good phaser, but with more tonal options. The Script switch lets you toggle between vintage and modern phase sounds. One knob for speed makes this pedal straight forward and easy to use. A great addition to any pedalboard regardless of how big an Eddie fan you are!


Grab a piece of Eddie’s magic with the MXR EVH 90—a collaboration between Eddie Van Halen and Dunlop Manufacturing that represents an updated version of the legendary Phase 90. The EVH 90 will give you the same great spacey swirls and hypnotic warbles that made the Phase 90 famous. But the EVH 90 also features the all-new Script switch that lets you instantly toggle between a vintage, “Script Logo” phase tone and a more modern, in-your-face “Block Logo” phaser. Plus, the EVH 90 sports the greatest graphics in the history of rock: the red, white, and black stripes from Eddie’s legendary Frankenstein guitar.

This pedal can be powered by a 9-volt battery, a Dunlop ECB003 9-volt adapter, or the DC Brick™, Iso-Brick™, and Mini Iso-Brick™ power supplies (not included).